Wednesday, November 18, 2009

SKULL Riderz

Coming in the near future..hopefully.. My goal is to capture the unique custom bike club culture and its phenomena and give it a T-Skullz spin and stamp. This should be cool illustrating the Motorcycle culture in LA and all over.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

5350 Characters part2

Coming this Christmas.... the second part of this series. Who's left, who will make the cut? stay tuned. You think you have a "distinctive" look, you better believe I'll exploit it!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

costume sketches!

Pencil on Paper Plate: No this isn't a still life composition... although I do own alot of the props in

Halloween Night!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh yeah! him too. Protect us my friend! I'll feed you cigars later.

More shots of our front entry, looking in from the outside through the glass windows.

Gate Keeper!

No Treats! Bring on the tricks!

halloween deco

Decorations for my low budget haunted house. It started with carving a few pumpkins last saturday and before I can realize it this is what happened, a whole creepy, scary and dark graveyard slash, half haunted boutique presentation for the brave neighborhood kids who dare ring our door bell on this saturday. that will show them!

It's still a work in progress... imagine lots of thunderbolts and fog.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grim Skull Cane

Friday, October 23, 2009

wrecking ball!

Post-it Notes skullz

Blue pen on yellow post-it notes. These were done a few years ago while I was working in Brazil.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cannot explain this one and I'm not sure I want to. Cheap paper plates are great for expressive sketching.
I had to include my watch in this piece... the gun is also mine!!

Another Skullz pencil on paper plate

Pencil sketches during lunch time or whenever I get a chance to doodle on paper plates. It's different from my regular job and quite refreshing, it's amazing how therapeutic sketching bloody skulls can!


Pencil sketch on paper plate... The logo!

5350 characters

Skullz characters from 5350 advanced design studio( where I work)! Lots of characters there, lol.... tons of material.